Jeff Sessions has a poor racial past
Including, “prosecuting” Two Black
(We know)
officials, who he felt “Derailed” his
judgeship. Ooooooooooooooooops
Was that it? Ah, no. No it was NOT
But you already knew that right?!?
Yes, you did; he said some evil shit
“J Gerald Hebert, a senior civil rights
attorney at the Department of Justice,
said in sworn testimony to the Senate
that Sessions had “described” a white
attorney as “maybe†a “disgrace to his
race†for “working” with the National
Association For The Advancement Of
Colored People (Called, the NAACP)”
Expect nothing less from Trumpy’s
Selection and hold em accountable
for every word, action, and all hate
(We know)
Only then, in the Sunlight will it be
SHOWN; And “Finally” Understood
You don’t Vote, Racism gets power
NOTE : Clemson Wins National Title
Game In Amazing Fashion By 35-31!
NOTE II: Racist Vile Roof Sentenced
2 Death I’d Prefer No Death Penalty
And Let Em Suffer, For All Their Life
Have a day!