Hope you Guys has a stellar Presidents’ Day
The Apostrophe, Means All, So Trump Won’t
likely be able to share….and since he Shares
nothing in Common with the Best One’s who
fucking Cares?!?!?! Mueller is Turning up the
Heat, ‘Right Now’. ANOTHER Russian Lawyer
who is Directly Tied to Gates Was indicted &
It “Signals” Mueller Is Going The Laundering
Putin/Russian Oligarch Route. Trump, Is SO
fucked! He Will Be Caught, tried & Convicted
(Morning Joe Jr?!?!)
And why?!?!?! Insanely ignorant Sociopathic
Hubris. He Won. He lost Court Cases, but he
Won basically by Bribing the entire system &
that wasn’t “Enough”. Now he can’t Bribe his
way Out of This. The Boy Scouts, who he has
been Verbally punching in the Face are about
to have THEIR turn. This Isn’t Partisan, since
it’s Run, By REPUBLICANS. This is, Right And
wrong Shit Here. And, Trumpy Is Very Wrong
Kushner is in the Cross hairs now as well and
(Chance of skating)
next Will be Don JR., Followed By Pence/Kelly
and Ending With Trump, the bell tolls for thee
Kushner Can Join his Father In Prison. Trump
was “Right” about Jobs. Federal Prison guards
job Security Never “Looked” Better these days
NOTE: Trump Wants To “Ban” Bumpstocks And
Doesn’t Grasp He Doesn’t Have The Legal Power
To Do This Without Going Through Congress Oh
This Is The LEAST They Could Do For A Massive
Assault Weapons Problem. Glad It’s Startin’ But
This Idea Is For OPENERS, & He Does Not Know
How Laws Are Made. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
NOTE II: Now Despicable Republicans, After The
“Blame The Victims” Idea “Think” They Are All A
Part Of Paid Protestors. Ha Ha Ha Ha. Projection
Have a day!