Everyone Around The State Of Illinois Today
should ALL Go Out and VOTE! Elect only the
(Sure did!)
best folks who represent exactly what you all
want. I’m Looking For Progress, & The Future
Speaking of electing Treasonous sacks of shit
Trump is so Royally Fucked now. It is all over
for him. He Is Not ‘Like’ Nixon Whatsoever in
history. Here’s what Nixon Had going for him
-Cox was just starting out, not nearly far along
-There was no Grand Jury Impaneled then yet
-Nixon had something to Give with his “Tapes”
-There wasn’t ANY Indictments or Guilty Pleas
-Once Cox was Fired the place Ground to a halt
-They had no other proof aside from the tapes
-“Judges” ruled on this, not “Grand Jury’s” who
today have Exceptional Powers to Prosecute all
-In 1973 gettin’ warrants to “listen” in on or spy
was Much Harder Then it is to do today for FBI
Now, here’s the massive Differences TODAY:
-Mueller isn’t “Starting Out”, he’s Wrapping up
-He’s got their Tax Returns/Financials since ’16
-Already Issued Indictments & Has Guilty Pleas
-Legally appeased Courts with a No Knock Raid
-Already has All the Testimony/facts from every
Criminal he’s already interviewed Meaning that
he needs “NOTHIN'” from dickhead Donny Boy
just him to walk in and lie likes he’s Going to do
-Welcomes Trump or AG “Firing” him as it then
“Speeds” up the Entire Process Since the Grand
Jury can Compel a witness to Testify, therefor it
would then jail Trump if he doesn’t testify. They
can then Indict Him On “Obstruction Of Justice”
-It is ’18 not 1973 where everything is recorded
with Proper Legal Warrants/FISA Court Rulings
That WERE ALL Obtained, Legally And Lawfully
Believe it or not, Trump and everyone around
him Know these facts. They All do. That’s why
his “Lawyers” got A ton of “lawyers”. And that
Is why he Hired A lunatic TV Lawyer who just
spews lies/Conspiracy Theories. Trump Is The
Drunk Orange Bear In The “Trap”. No amount
of gnawing your own leg off will save you now
And, the Only Person worried About your trail
of blood is, Putin…….it leads right back to him
NOTE : ANOTHER “School Shooting” Another Day
This Lunacy MUST End Now. Every Day Another 1
Happens In Our Country. Utterly Unacceptable!!!!!
NOTE II: Yesss, They Likely Got, Trump Dick PICS
Let THAT Torture Your Mind, For A Second. Ohhhh
NO! 60 Minutes Has It. I’ll Pay To Never See Them
UPDATE: Missouri “Anti-Abortion” Law, Blocked By
Judge As UnConstitutional, Because Roe Vs. Wade
Have a day!