We’re back! Sorry about Yesterday, workin’ on
a big Upcoming Project & needed full attention
It seems you’d have to be either dead or Trump
to not have seen Stormy On 60 Minutes. She is
far more Honest, Articulate and Specific Than a
sitting President. But Let Us Be Honest. That Is
everyone These Days. She Pointed Out 3 things
that were huge. One, Confirmed they did it and
when Melania Was Knocked Up. Two, She’s got
proof. And three, They Threatened her And also
paid Her “Campaign Hush Money”. All Of These
(Trump’s fucked)
are a MASSIVELY illegal, a Real no-no. It’s just
another in the even mountin’ saga to end them
The “March For Lives”…
This Weekend, “Signified” An Immense Culture
Shift. The NRA /Gun Nuts, Don’t Have A Debate
(They won!)
on their hands. That requires honesty, fairness
intellectual Rigor & Solutions. They Offer None
So It’s Simply Ad Hominem. That Means, They
already lost. The Policy Will Be Set By Those in
office who want to STAY In Office. If they don’t
they go. They Get Voted Out this November. It
is Telling, When The NRA/Gun Nuts Only “Real”
“Solution” to The Problem is: do nothing, more
guns and “let’s just attack those victims of gun
(Future’s bright!)
violence” lyin. & avoidin’ the issue. It’s the side
of people in History who LOST. Fine by me, the
young people Standing up are winning. We will
not ever Forget This “Moment”. It is pretty cool
Have a day!