With Trump Fucked, Pruit Under Investigation

for 10 violations as The EPA head & Macron in


his “Let’s barely appease this Orange Fat fuck”

we Had A Horrible Shooting In A Waffle House

by an utter lunatic. How did he get an AR-15?!

LEGALLY. He Was Batshitcrazy, And His Father

“Took His Guns” Away, only to Give them Back

WTF?!?! His Co-workers knew he was nuts, his

Family knew, he tried to speak with Trump and

was detained. This loon was a Right Wing crazy

called a “Sovereign Citizen”. And now, onto the


“Hero” who saved Countless Lives. His name is

James Shaw Jr & the entire country is proud of

your cool Reaction and Heroism. What a strong

person to wrestle the gun from that utter nutter

Thank you! Speaking of A “Holy Shit”, It Seems

Trumps Pick For The VA, 1 Ronny “Inept Moron”

Jackson Has Some “Ethics” Violations. Ooooops

(So long!)

He’s not Just Getting His Confirmation Put On a

big hold he’s likely out. So much ‘winning’ here

NOTE: Republican Barely Holds On to AZ Seat by 4
Points In A State Trump Carried By 24 Points In ’16
Yes, That’s A 20 POINT Cratering Right There Folks
NOTE II : In A CLEAR Conflict Of Interest Ol Jeffery
Sessions Isn’t Recusing Himself On The Big Michael
Cohen LEGAL Case. He’s In Deep Shit Ooooooooops

Have a day!

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