New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman
is gone. Turns out the NY AG Democrat likes to
(<-So Long Creep!)
“Choke” & violently abuse women. Oooooooops
What a vile, & disgustingly horrible piece of shit
he is. Two Women came forward telling all their
stories of his abuse then 2 more, with four total
While It’s Nice Eric is A Vocal Critic Of Trump he
is Not above the law & This Shit is Unacceptable
Good “riddance”, Anyone Doing This or breaking
the law goes down. Party matter’s not. Speaking
of breaking the law, it seems Trump is now even
in “hotter” water with Mueller. The orange anus
and his Stupor Friends Legal Farce asked if they
could “Submit The Answers To The Questions in
writing”?!?!? Mueller said “Fuck off, a subpoena
is quickly Coming”. See, This is NOT A “Political”
issue As Trump/Crew Want To Play At. This is A
MASSIVE LEGAL issue, and they are all going to
rue the Day they Tried this Insanely lunatic Tact
Ahem, Anyone “Talking” About Trump ‘Pleading’
the 5th, is poorly legally educated. Under Grand
(Yes, facts)
Juries, there is NO 5th Amendment right if they
Are INDICTED. Oh, And It Is Also Clear, Trump/
Crew, have no right to even put on Any Defense
See these are Rules that Immoral lying assholes
never Pay ‘Attention’ to. To Add to his problems,
the GJ can ‘Compel’ any witness/target to testify
See, if Trump “Blows it off” or says, “No, I’m not
gonna go”, then he’s held in contempt and jailed
until he does. This is Almost Over & the fact that
Trump/Crew, Are All Massive Failed Morons, Who
can’t even see this legally coming tells us all why
they Deserve it That Much More. Done, Tick tock
NOTE : Trump Wants To End The Iran Deal And It’s
Not Just An Insane Move, It Signals Possible War In
Every Way. This, Is Disgustingly Ignorant, Wrong, &
Shows Trump Knows Nothing, About The Deal At All
NOTE II : The Republicans Rolling Back Regulations
On Banks Who Caused The Financial Crisis Of 07 08
Just Setting The Stage For Another Collapse What A
Pile Of Evil Sociopaths. So Republican/Trump Voters
Grab Your Ankles & Bend Over Suckers I’m Shorting
Everything, To Profit, Off Your Ignorant Misery Idiots
Have a day!