Whoooooo hooooooo! At A time In this world when
it Is most Dark, Tiny Rays of light shine. And in no
(Must Have!)
way Is This a Lock to Pass The house & Trump can
even Veto it. But It Would then be a BIG campaign
issue In The Mid-Terms & look Out. This is a Large
step in the right Direction as a Nation. Oh and just
speaking of Right Direction, let’s touch on the now
“wrong” one. It is now clear Don Jr will be charged
with, Collusion/Foreign Election Interference. This
is Deadly Serious Shit Here. And Trump Himself Is
on the Hook for Obstruction In crafting Dummy Jr.
(“Let’s share a cell”)
alibi for said Meeting With The Whole idiot Russian
“adoption” bullshit lies. Ooooooooops. They are all
So fucked in every possible way. Look out, it’s just
almost all over. Trump And Crew know It. Look for
them to Get Crazier, louder & way more Disruptive
NOTE: Progressive Democrats, Are Winning Primaries
And “Special Elections”, At An Alarming Rate Showing
There’s A Blue Wave Likely Coming. Only If You Vote!
Have a day!
September 25th, 2024 - 4:21 am
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