And he should be. At this point they don’t
Even Need Manafort. Which Means Either
Manafort gives them something new or he
dies in Jail. In Usual Trump “Batshitcrazy”
fashion, his tweets are lunatic, showing he
knows His End Is Here. Trump & everyone
around him won’t get much Sleep In these
Next 2-3 Weeks. As Rudy Goulani AKA Mr.
Nosferatu who lies more than a rug makes
his claim that “Collusion isn’t a crime” (ah
yes it most certainly is when you’re workin
directly with a hostel Foreign Government
to directly effect our ELECTION!). They’re
in Full On, Panic Mode. Oh & You Can Bet
Trump, His Trolls & All His Republican’s in
office will either A) try to distract avoiding
these stark Realities or B) Remain silent &
try to Pretend they never loved Trump yet
supported Him & Voted YES To Everything
he purposed. This, likely Ends Republicans
NOTE: Roy Moore Got ‘Punked’ Hard By Sasha
Cohen. It is A Things Of Brilliance, And He Has
Set A New Bar For Social Satire. Well…….Bravo
NOTE II: A Racist FLA Man Who Killed Another
Man In Cold Blood Was Not In “danger” or fear
Of “Death”, Or “Bodily Harm”. He, “Committed”
Murder, Period. He, Will Be Found Guilty, Folks
Have a day!