Well, here we are. Barr Failed to Hand over the

Full Redacted Mueller Report. Mnuchin & Rettig

(“I do crimes”)

ignored The Legal Lawful request for “Trumpys”

Taxes. They Might want to Learn the legal term

“Inherent Contempt Of Congress”. Currently all

of them will be experiencing it. That means that

the people Sited in Contempt are all ARRESTED

by the Sargent At Arms, Brought to the Floor of

the Chamber/Committee To Answer for Charges

then Subject To Punishment (Imprisonment, for

all these offenders). They’re about to “Feel” the

very REAL Tip Of The Congressional Legal Spear

(Arrest HIM!)

wednesday they vote 2 end this. I say that they

shoulda voted TODAY at 5pm & started arrestin’

them TOMORROW. Hey all you “Criminal” Fraud

fucks, ask Michael Cohen, who Reported for Jail

TODAY how all of his Trump “crimes” helped him

NOTE: Fiery Russian Plane Leads To 41 Dead On The Tarmack
Which Is, Terribly Sad. They Were “Burned To Death”. Horrific!

Have a day!

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