Budget Bitchslap…

February 16th, 2011

From the GOP’s mocking machine…


*Fake shock*

“The president has abdicated his leadership role”

Who said this?

Paul “I loved government spending like a rapper at strip club when in power” Ryan

Then he laughingly added in usual uber douche tone, “When his own commission put forward a set of fundamental entitlement & tax reforms, he ignored them.”

But now he’s suddenly Paul “All gumberment Spending’s evil” Ryan

paul-ryan-brain-size.jpg(Size of Paul Ryan’s shame)

*Double fake shock*

Oh, but spending $ on Tax Cuts for the top 3% is totally cool

Why do they do this? Because they can’t run on anything…

The vast majority of Republican’s all voted for massive government spending from 2000-2008 which also really got us in this mess, so now they’ll run on “All gumberment spending is evil, makes Jesus cry, and kills babies in the face”


They don’t want solutions to help with the deficit

Just aim at “entitlement” spending which isn’t the big stuff…

They just want to argue…

Because they have no plan. “Cutting everything” isn’t a plan, it’s suicide…

andrew-breitbart-on-beck.jpg(Let’s just fight)

When you’re the reason somethings fucked up, you hate the person fixing it…

It makes you look fucktardish since you did it in the 1st place…

And twice as douchey when you’re intentionally not helping…

If Obama fixes it, he gets re-elected. They don’t want that…

They were the biggest government spending offenders on the planet…

But now it’s cut, cut, cut…

It’s like a guy with 17 DUI’s lecturing you about drinking & driving

gop-hyporsiy-thumbnail.jpg(Blurry truth)

Insane hypocrisy, but nothing new…

Have a day!

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