CNN is now Accepting they Shit
the Bed lettin’ TFG on, doing so
(“You’re fired!”)
Factually Unchecked. So Licht’s
gone Boom! Guess it’s not such
a good idea to Let a Treasonous
Fat ‘Criminal’ insurrectionist ass
hole spew non-stop propaganda
It Is Much More Than That. This
guy wanted to ‘create news’ and
highlight Lying Reich Wing Liars
It’s Disgusting stuff and Ratings
Plummeted. Speaking of Falling
TFG’s not Only legally F’ed, he’s
Decimated, undone, Washed up
There’s no way he doesn’t die in
jail will All of These Overt Grand
Juries “Impaneled”…..& all THAT
means, it’s all over but the cryin
NOTE: ‘Clarence Thomas’ & Alito Are ‘Two’ Republican
Supreme Court judges trying to delay illegal “financial
disclosures”. They’re stalling. And This is Insanely evil
It’s also “ended” any integrity left on this tainted court
Have A Day!
November 22nd, 2023 - 1:25 am
Interesante publicación. Gracias por San Miguel escorts compartir un contenido tan increíble.