Gag Order & Clark Barred…

September 19th, 2023

It Seems TFG Is so Unable to

control “itself” that way more


legal problems are comin’ it’s

way with A New Lil gag order

No, not gagball, but that is so

good Thinking. The legal Shit

is Coming nonstop & he/they

Deserve ALL of This for Their

(No shit!)

“Criming”. It’s Consequences

And Jeffery Clark’s rolling So

hard his defense seems to be

“He told me to do it!” At This

Point. Ohhh Boy, they are all

‘Flipping, On Him’. With More

(Different Flip)

to come with each passin day

They ALL Deserve Each Other

NOTE: Texas Aquits AG Ken Paxton From Impeachment
because Republicans LOVE people who crime. Shit, they
all do it so much they don’t think it’s a big deal well it is

Have A Day!

5 Responses to “Gag Order & Clark Barred…”

  1. John Bolger

    Oh boy, Legal Hell is here for most all Republican’s today!

  2. John Bolger

    Bring it!

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