Not only are Maga voters feeling the
Pain In Their Awful Choice, But Now
(Not a letter?)
so are All R’s in congress. They Are
tired, scared, & stuck with a sinking
racist Fascist felon, along with all of
the legal/Criminal Problems that Do
come With Him. Just Look at Gaetz
Withdrawing ‘Today’. They All Know
they can’t cover up all Their crimes
They’re “Criming” faster Than They
Cover It up. Oooooops. Shit, this Is
Like Selecting ‘Criminals’ To be Cops
(Find out!)
or Arsonists To be Firemen. Insane!
They Are FO, wait Until they All FO!
NOTE: DUMBASS Muslim Americans Who ‘Voted’ FOR Trump Thinking That
would send a “message”, just had that message BLOW up in their ignorant
faces hard. Trump is gonna let Netty blow up Palestine. Enjoy your fuckup
Have A Day!