Empty Threats, Bigger Regrets…

September 1st, 2021

This is rather hard for me to type

We have a ‘Political Party’, in this

(Ya Fucked)

country, who’s “sole” interest in

Racism, Fascism, & Dismantling

Democracy, directly ‘Allies’ with

“Terrorists” with the same views

But, Different “Cloud Sociopath”

One is called Christian (they are

NOT) & the Other Called Muslim

So…What Do Republican’s, Who

are now cornered for all of their

Support/Complicit Acts Lauding

Jan 6th Do?!? Threaten the cell

Companies. Ha Ha Ha! Yeah, it

Is A Great “Plan”. Threaten The

very People who hold the proof

(Finding out)

of your exact Part In that Event

Bang up plan U dumbasses. Ha

They Should All Be Terrified, It

Is All comin’ out now. Tick tock

And now, the Day we all feared

has Come. Roe V. Wade is now

being directly Legally Attacked

And, the Supreme Court’s Now

“Punting”. The Goal for all The

Republican’s Is: Overturn It, &

IF, The ‘Supreme Court’ allows

it; it Will fundamentally Upend

a difficult medical decision with

a base Political Grab. It’ll make

the Court look Kangaroo for all

(R Voters Dyin)

Political events rather than any

societal good tread lightly here

For if they don’t, it will rally all

Alive Voters, Like “Never” seen

NOTE: Raging Violent Moron, Confronted A TV
Reporter During Hurricane Ida & Now There Is
A Warrant Out For His Arrest. GOOD! Jail time

Have A “Safe” Day!

As the last pair of boots of Christopher

Donahue “leave” the Harsh Theater of

(Last Boots)

Afghanistan we Respect all the Solemn

sacrifice of all our troops, partners and

allies/Afghani Soldiers. This Was Never

really a “war”. It was an insurgency, &

one you never “win”. No cash, no glory

& no real Choice. This sheer History Of

this Country about wars is very settled

Anyone Telling You Different, either A)

(<-Member This?)

Doesn’t know the History of the wars,

Or B) Hasn’t Actually Been Fighting in

them. Either way it’s Over now. Oh &

speakin’ of “It’s Over Now” we have a

new Breed of Insurrectionist Terrorist

these days named Madison Cawthorn

It seems As if Our lil Eichmann Nazi’s

wheelchair Isn’t his Actual “Disability”

at this Point. He Doesn’t Want Voting

(STILL Lying)

or Democracy any more. Then VOTE

Him & Boebert OUT!!!!! No room For

Fascists in This Democracy. Let’s go!

NOTE: Today We ALL Deserve A ‘Great Laugh’, So
Enjoy this Bart Simpson style of Fake Names here

Have A “Safe” Day!

Ida crashed into the shores of MO

& Louisiana, Causing ‘Untold Pain’


Today, We will “See It” with clean

eyes. The 150mph windgusts, the

power Outages, all of the flooding

This will take time to fix, heal And

try To Rebuild The Damage. Brick

by Brick they will and please Help

We Have…A “Domestic Terrorism”

Problem in This Country. And, it’s

ALL ‘Sitting Squarely’, in The GQP

Party (or what’s left of it). Jordan

(<-Vial Shits)

& Pedo-Gaetz are flippin’ on the

Orange thing. BUZZ. Too late for

that. They ‘Both’ Had Many Calls

with Orange fuck making them a

Target of the Jan 6th Committee

And it Doesn’t Stop There, oh no

Aide From, ‘Far Right Wing Nuts’

‘Killing Themselves’ over COVID

denial; We got ‘Actual Terrorists’

Screaming For Civil War & Guns


to kill Political figures. Uh that’s

Criminal shit FBI. That, Will Not

stand. Time’s Up. Jail is Coming

RIP: Acting Legend Ed Asner Dies At 91
An Amazing actor & Even Better Person

Have A “Safe” Day!


August 27th, 2021

Yes, there are far too many big

COVIDIOTS Out There, and It’s


ALL on the far right. Let’s just

forget theyre ignorant, insane,

& violently loud. And let’s also

forget their Dunning Kruger is

Next Level shit. What they are

doing effectively is trying to all

deny “Reality” in Favor of their

failed world views. To them, it

IS a “Political” Fight, not at all

a Viral/scientific one. See they

can NOT compete on that level


So You Get this lunacy. And in

the End, they “Suffer” most by

either ruinin their lives or even

by Dying. There is A Great Rift

happening to the far hard right

across All Of the Globe Now, &

it’s Virtually Ending them. See,

their Authoritarian fascist hate

invites violent power clashes in

farther, Harder Right elements

playing “King Of The Hill”, with

(Different Sky Dude)

purity tests. They’re Consumin’

each other due to ignorance, &

Blind Hate. Well, So ‘Be’ it then

NOTE: Hurricane Ida Will ‘Hit’ The Golf
Side, LA & Parts of MO. So buckle Up &
Be Safe. It Will ‘Gain’, In Serious Power

Have A “Safe” Weekend!

Jan 6th team just 0’d in on all

Orange Thing Officials. Oooops

(“Comin for you!”)

This “Request For Materials” Is

more Of A “Demand”. And they

have Til September 9th To Get

It. And Orange Thing Is Bitchin

up a storm and it won’t change

Anything. Their Hands In THIS

Are Clear. It Will ALL come out

Sunlight is the best disinfectant

Well, That & Clorox. Those rock

(NOT that)

Republican’s in “congress” and

those ‘Terrorists’ Who Tried To

kill Democracy that day Should

all be worried. VERY worried in

fact. This Ends Badly for Em all

And with all of these red states

horribly blowing up with COVID

cases Chicago has enacted this

mandatory vaccination 4 All Of


The City Workers/Employees. It

must happen by October 15th &

I For One say, GREAT. Love this

Workers want this safety as well

NOTE: ISIS Just Bombed The Airport In A Terrorist
Attack. Make no mistake, this will now embolden all
Taliban/US Soldiers. Now it’s ISIS vs Taliban. Good!

Have A “Safe” Day!

DeathSantis & Voting Rights…

August 25th, 2021

COVID, specifically The Delta Variant

is ravaging the deep south. In fact, it


is Doing the most damage In Florida

And their Governor Ron Deathsantis

Doesn’t Care. Wait, I’m Being Unfair

here. He not only Doesn’t give A shit,

he is literally Legally fighting against

masks/vaccines To ‘Prevent’ it. HOLY

SHIT. There is Dumb, & There is just

Plain Sociopathic. He, is Killing Off A

Voting Spread He Won by. And most

(Or not!)

of them Voted for him. This is Cruel,

& has Backfired, in Legendary Ways

He Doesn’t “make It out” of this one

Both Politically Or socially Alive. It’s

a Tale As old as Time itself. In Other

news the “John Lewis” Voting Rights

Act passed the house 219-212. Zero

Republican’s voted for It. 0. Let That

really sink in Hard. Republican Have

(<-Vanilla ISIS)

no interest in Democracy any More

And, Every Voter Should Know That

NOTE: MAGA Lawyers Face “Sanctions” And
Likely Disbarment From Judge Parker Ooops

Have A “Safe” Day!

Remember that Fraudit going on

In Arizona? Well, turns out Aside


from being immoral lyin’ corrupt

criminals; they’re also Dumb AF

The Cyber Ninja’s all Got COVID

The Only thing they Did find was

their own ignorance of infectious

pandemic disease; jeez my irony

meter just Exploded. Lying, wild

incompetence, criminal and now

MORONS to boot; why of course


they are. And let’s not forget the

likely ‘Criminal Stuff’. See, Legal

Consequences, will Cost ya It All

And Now Kathy Hochul Becomes

The 1st Female Governor of NYC

Progress, change for the better &

new heights are happening every

single day. And They are Coming

no matter what….Act accordingly

(“I’ll take it!”)

Looking Forward to Seeing What

she Can Do for Their Great State

NOTE: Anti-Vax “Right Wing” COVID Denying
Asshole; Dies from COVID because of course
RIP: ‘Rolling Stones Drummer’, Charlie Watts
Dies At 80. What A Life, what a Legend. Love

Have A “Safe” Day!

The FDA has Granted full approval

to The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine &


it’s One more thing for Anti-vaxers

to look like the morons they all are

See, people who reject medial fact,

science or Reality are just “Fucking

Around”. Now, They’re Sadly All In

the “Finding Out” Phase. And That

part Really stings. Oh & speakin of

“stinging”, The Fat loud Racist Shit


sued Into Oblivion Alex Gay Frogs

Jones has parted ways with Rump

Not That it Means anything Really,

they’re all Going down faster than

a Hooker In A limo. And his racist

pal is In custody over The Jan 6th

terrorist Attack. They, Are, all, SO

fucked. They’re about to all be the

(Ya fucked)

equivalent of Live road kill legally

speaking. No Escape at this Point

NOTE: Racist Nazi Reich Wing CEO Wants
To Create MORE ‘Hate’. GTFOOH You Prick

Have A “Safe” Day!

We have a serious problem in

this Country. Aside from Rank

(<-His Pals)

ignorance, hate, fascism and

Racist White Supremacy, We

have A ‘Bigger Problem’. And

that Is, “Domestic Terrorism”

There Was a maga nut in DC

claiming to have a bomb and

was Arrested after a Six hour

stand off. This stuff is so very

deadly serious and must End

now. No More, All Of Our Big

Agencies should have this As

(We Know)

Priority #1. We’re in Danger

And many “Republicans”, All

SUPPORT that guy. ISIS isn’t

in ‘another country’. It, is, IN

ours Right Now. And it MUST

dealt With in The Most Harsh,

severe Terms possible. Or we

won’t have a country at all in

fact. It will be one big Fascist

Theocracy Dictatorship, And

that will not stand. Speaking

of people who can not ‘stand’


& are Dying By The day. The

Deep South Is Getting Killed

By COVID Delta. Literally, it

Is Wiping Them out. And all

the R leaders are doing……..

NOTHING, About It. Oooops

NOTE: The Capitol ‘Terrorist’ ‘Attack’, Was An
Inside job, averyone knows it, and it’s all over

Have A “Safe” Weekend!

Republican who Only goes the

direction the wind blows Nikki

(Yes, it is)

Haley, has Just been stranded

on Hypocrisy Island. See, ‘she’

seems to Forget Her Direct fat

hand in Afghanistan & Freeing

the very Taliban Who are now

in charge (Per their Deal) of it

all. Oooooops. You Can’t Bitch

About Person X Who inherited

YOUR Fuck Up. Unless you got

(Fuck up!)

no moral, but we so know that

Speakin’ of insane bullshitters

getting busted; Larry David of

Seinfeld & Curb fame Decided

To “Call Out” Alan Dershowitz

Well, actually scream. It, was,

(Chefs kiss) Perfection! About

time. It is Actually not Even a

Political thing. It’s a right and

(Or, not!)

wrong For Humanity thing, so

Larry is Aces in my book baby

NOTE: “Redneck Rivera” Is New COVIDIOT
Hot spot. Or as we say, Darwinism working

Have A “Safe” Day!

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