In what can only be described

as pure, uncut Schadenfreude

(Great Advice!)

Republican Leaders, ALL Over

the US Are Getting COVID At

such Amazing rates. And they

Are the 1’s “ignoring” Science,

Reality, & Prevention. What a

Shocker (Rolls Eyes). See, the

people “Pretending” This isn’t

a ‘Problem’ Putting All Lives in

danger, Are sufferin the worst


They fucked around, now they

are finding out. And the really

disgusting part of this: it is all

“PREVENTABLE”. Let that just

really Sink in. Ugh, it’s so bad

Oh & Speaking of preventable

stuff; Afghanistan was Totally

that & more. Those there that

Don’t Want ‘Taliban Rule’, will


all leave safely and for those

who do; Good fucking luck to

you Morons. It IS Gonna end

in a Shit show. Ya can book it

NOTE: Wisconsin “Republican Idiot”, Who
Spoke out against masks & Vaccines gets
COVID. Well no shit Sherlock. Ooooooops

Have A “Safe” Day!

This is an emotionally sad thing

And, “Losing” Afghanistan, Was


simply, Inevitable. The Orange

Thing & Pompeo released A big

Taliban Terrorist from prison &

didn’t bat an eye. In fact it was

clear, They ‘SUPPORTED’ Them

Abdul Ghani Baradar is seen in

this Photo, Standing with, then

Secretary Mike Pompeo…..after

being released; these monsters

decided To DO this. Yes, Biden

has Full Responsibility. This, is

his & the Joint Chiefs Call, and

leave No Doubt. It is The Right

(The hard truth)

one. He Even ‘Said’ It Himself

in a historic speech. It was so

clear, Honest and accepting of

The Facts. About time. This, is

hard Lesson/Day for all Those

Neo-Cons (Neo-conservatives)

who Fucked it All Up. And, it’s

paid in blood by those who all

Want Freedom/Democracy. It

Ended. After 20 Years, To not

even fight, tells Ya everything

Speaking of Stone Aged idiots


Trying To Kill People; the Red

States outbreak Is so bad we

are losing More citizens every

Day. And, It Never Needed be

NOTE: Walls Closing in, On R-Matt Gaetz
For His Sexual Countless Assaults. Ooops

Have A “Safe” Day!

COVID Cases & Stupid Faces…

August 13th, 2021

As red state COVID cases spike

& More ‘People’, Needlessly Die


we are left with One thought in

all of this: every, single, fuckin’

death could be prevented if the

Morons were vaccinated. So at

This point, Putting Others lives

at risk along with their own, Is

a CHOICE. Let That really Sink

in. Here in Chicago, because it

was done correctly, we haven’t

(We did, then…)

HAD a Huge Spike. And, all of

the ‘Vaccinated People’ Matter

In fact, “Red states” have the

Lowest Vaccinated Population

causing This Crisis. And in the

End, Most, Will Die. Hospitals

R getting overrun at this point

And as ‘Dunning Kruger’ Idiots

Shout ‘Batshit-crazy’ “Lunacy”


from Podiums; the rest Of the

world Sadly Shakes our heads

at What Has Become Of these

self-immolating buckets o shit

NOTE: In Chicago, Come see The Van Gogh
For all Interactive Experience Which is from
Sunday, August 15th-September 26th 2021
It, is, AMAZINGLY Awesome. Come and see
Click Here to Get Your Virtual Tickets/times
RIP: Music Legend, Nanci Griffith Dies At 68

Have A “Safe” Weekend!

We are now at the Stage of the

Show, Where The Entire GQPrs


are saying “Let them eat covid

cake & die!“. Wow, quite a big

bold move: “Let’s kill off all of

Our “Dwindling” Voters Faster

With COVID”. “How About you

all Just Die already” is Quite a

Political Slogan. In fact, Shit’s

Getting SO Bad, The ‘Monster’

the Reich Wing Created Has a

New Mission. “Rip Off” All The

limbs Of Their Creators ooops

See, they “Created” This blind


rage Hate now Is All pointed

Directly At THEM. Ironic. Oh

speaking Of: “Liars, Who Are

getting Sued into oblivion at

the moment” the pillow turd

Mike “Lunatic” Lindell Is Now

Having A Bad Time & Had to

“Leave the Stage”, From His

Big “Bullshit-A-Thon”. And it

gets Worse: A ‘Trump Judge’

ruled Against him allowing a

Dominion suit against him &

(Legally Done!)

Rudy And Powell To Proceed

They’re all so Legally fucked

NOTE: Chicago White Sox ‘Field Of Dreams’
Game Is Tonight. Buckle Up 4 some history

Have A “Safe” Day!

As we said here, an infrastructure

Bill has Passed. In fact, now With

(Coming SOON!)

Reconciliation; & So it is Assured

the Price will drive up the total to

$3.5 trillion. And, all Of those 19

Republican’s, Have Done What Is

right By Allowing this Victory For

all Citizens. It’s is Damn Big Deal

And what’s the 1st thing all a the

R’s Do Now?!?! Threaten To Blow

up The Debt Ceiling, Again. They


already did this before & have no

actual ‘Policy ideas’. They are not

a political party anymore; they’re

a Domestic Terrorist Organization

They ignore Voters, Suppress the

voters & support the Jan 6th acts

of Terrorism. They’re screamin’ it

And What is are the sheep in this

cult All doing?!? Dying While just

(Ok, die)

Yelling: “Freedumb!”. It’s A Bold

strategy: Killin’ all Our Voters to

“Own the libs”. Oooooooooooops

NOTE: TexASS Republican’s Have Now Issued
“Arrest Warrants” for The Democrats who Left
And that has only emboldened Them. Backfire

Have A “Safe” Day!

The Coup, Sue & Booooo…

August 10th, 2021

In big News, Cuomo’s No-mo

He resigned today over all of


his Sexual harassment. Sure,

He Did Very Good Things For

NYC. But, that Doesn’t make

his Horrible Criminal Acts go

away. Both can be true, and

they are. Speakin’ of fucked,

the old Orange Thing is very

Screwed. He tried a very Fat

Documented Coup Trying To

use The DOJ. Ooooops. And,

things Will Get Worse for “it”


with Every passin’ day. Tick,

to The Tock; & in Other Bad

news 4 Assholes….Dominion

has just sued OAN/Newmax

Over The “Easily” Debunked

2020 election being “Stolen”

“big lie”. Theyre so screwed

cause They Did/Still Do Yell

it Daily. Done, son. Oh, and

when you get suspended off

Twitter, You Went to A New

(Vote em out!)

Low. That “Troll” From CO,

Greene was kickedoff for 1

week spreadin’ COVID Mis

information. They’re called

LIES/Propaganda. That’s it

NOTE: 1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Passes
with 19 R’s Signing On. Ooooops. A Big Win
For the ‘Biden Administration’. A Bigger win
for ALL of America. This can heal our nation

Have A “Safe” Day!

In the mother of all meltdowns

The Mein Pillow Guy, Has a Big

(You go now!)

One On CNN, When Presented

with basic facts/Reality. And it

Is gonna get legally/financially

Worse. It’ll Get so Bad, He will

likely Be Left with Just a Pillow

case Of His Belongings. He, is

is ‘Batshitcrazy Bonkers’. He is

legally Going to be Crushed by

Dominion/Smartmatic, & Most


likely other Courts/Judges. He

is so fucked. Oh speakin’ of so

fucked. So daily cases of delta

COVID are Spiking in The Red

Un-vaccinated States, & killing

off Morons/Voters at Record #

ers. All these insane Jabbering

COVIDOTS who Didn’t get the

vaccine are findin out 1st hand

(We know)

what pretending a Deadly virus

doesn’t exist ‘costs’; everything

NOTE: Texas Republican’s Clearly State
Stopping Voters From Voting is the goal
they’re fascist monsters; vote’em all out
NOTE II: The Orange Thing, Was outted
By Former AG Rosen For His Attempted
Coup. Clark/Orange thing are So fucked

Have A “Safe” Day!

Maryland Governor, Larry Hogan

Isn’t ‘messing around’. And for a

(Vax It!)

good reason. They have A pretty

big ‘spike’ so he said “go get the

damn Vaccine!”. And With the Fl

Cases “Spiking” Among all of the

unvaccinated It’s just a message

to All. ENOUGH! See, Even all of

the Republican Governors, Aside

from Death DeSantis, reality has

Sunk in. Sadly, things might just


be too Late. Their loud dumbass

Voters, Aren’t listening, & Dying

at Record Rates. And, All of this

was preventable. Oh, speakin of

loud Racist Fascist Nazi’s, we’ve

a New Turd Reich, Coming To a

ICU Near You. Even All Of Their

“Marketing”, Is Nazi These Days

We Did ‘Nazi’ that Coming. Who

(Can’t Spell?)

are we kidding, of course we all

did. And, Now Only the toilet of

life awaits One big Fatass ‘flush’

RIP: Labor Leader, & ‘Economic Engine’ Richard
Trumka dies At 72. A true leader who helped all
NOTE: Watch a High School student Who knows
actual Confederate history decimate another kid
with basic facts. Ooooooooooo, that’s Gotta hurt

Have A “Safe” Day!

With the Delta variant spiking in

Unvaccinated “Red States” badly


other Governors are Making The

Vaccine Mandatory, If you Want

to do regular funshit. It is About

Damn Time. The horrid ‘failures’

of Others Not to care about their

own Life (insane & Sad) aside, it

is clear, the Rest Of the World Is

moving Forward with Or Without

them. Hopefully With, But That’s


all up to ‘them’. And, time is up

Shit, even Hard Line Republican

Governors, Like Asa Hutchinson

of AK regret maskless laws they

put in place causin all this death

It’s Like Someone, Who Kept on

denying gravity watch As people

plummet to their deaths no shit

And This Pandemic, is Killing Off


GQP/Republican’s at a Very fast

clip. Turns Out denying Reality’s

not a smart move. Who knew?!?

NOTE: Moron Murdering Fuckhead Governor Ron
DeSantis Doesn’t ‘Know’, Florida does not border
Any foreign countries and Wants to Celebrate all
his voters dyin’. Look in the mirror for the Villain

Have A “Safe” Day!

Independent investigators have

Concluded that Governor Touch

(File Footage of Cuomo)

Cuomo sexually Harassed tons

of Women working In his office

Crimes, Any Crimes Are Totally

Irrelevant to political Party, It’s

All About Accountability. If you

did it, that’s that. Now comes a

Healthy Dose of ‘Consequences’

The Accounts are Irrefutable, &

the AG’s Statement was Crystal


clear. He’s Gotta Go. Simple As

that. Any Dragging Of Feet Just

makes this worse. Oh & speakin

of Way Worse; The Horrific acts

Of Jan 6th Terrorist Attack, Has

lost yet another life. Another dc

Capitol Police Officer, has Killed

himself. The ‘Consequences’ for

these Evil, Violent Acts Must Be

(<-RIP Mr Defreytag)

dire. No goin back now, see we

either Have a Democracy of We

don’t……….It’s pretty simple shit

NOTE: What A “Massive Treat” Today. A Brand
New Movie “Drops Today” On VOD. It Is Called
“Monuments”. It’s got a solid Cast, Great story
& here’s the Trailer. And here’s a Review; now
is the Time where ya go ‘watch’ this Little Gem
Directed by Jack C. Newell; and thank me later

Have A “Safe” Day!

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