We Have A “Stupid” Problem in This

country right now. Some people are


willing to kill themselves instead of

take a vaccine. Fair enough. If they

Want To ignore Reality, It Will ‘Bite’

them so hard; they Die. Sometimes

after You’re Warned Non-Stop, And

You still Will Kill Yourself, Over This

Stupid “Shit”. ‘Darwinism’. Oh, And

speaking of that, R Senator Marsha

“I’m Dumb AF” Blackburn, Decided

to Pick a Fight With Taylor Swift, $

that’s gonna end bad for Blackburn

(“Marsha Stfu”)

She brought a 2 cent head to verbal

Gun Fight. Swift is Class, M Is Trash

NOTE: Immoral Racist Violent Asshole Goes
To Jail For 5 Years. It should be at Least 10

Have A “Safe” Weekend!

The “horrific death toll” in Florida

grows by the day. That total now


stands at 60 & Growing. This is

gutwrenchin’. And, there will be

many People 2 Blame for these

Senseless Deaths & the Owners

of the units are NOT One Of em

A “Libertarian” AKA a sociopath

vile Immoral Monster decided 2

try to blame the Victims of This

Horror. No. Libertarians Do Not

care, About “Mitigating” Human

suffering. They, do, Not, fuckin’

care. In fact their “views” Allow

horrific Historic ‘Atrocities’, like:


Slavery, racism, fascism, nazi’s,

child labor, Discrimination, vile

toxic dumping, abuse to Nature,

every single Financial Crisis We

have Experienced and the dawn

of Authoritarian Regimes. Oh &

speakin’ of those, we’re leaving

Afghanistan for good finally. So

This Means Honoring, ‘How’ We

Do This. It’s Thoughtful & gives

The Afghani people The right to

control their own Destiny. Bout

time. We Stand with you. Oh, &

(You too!)

as far The GQP usin all of these

“Fraudits” to Rig/Ruin elections

in the Future will fail. The HR 1

must Pass Or this’ll Get Serious

NOTE: FOX Noise attacks Flight Attendants
(My Sister is One) how Despicably Low Will
they go? They’re 80miles below the bottom
of where ya scrape a barrel, such monsters

Have A “Safe” Day!

We have a ‘stupid’ problem In

America right now, and It’s so


disgusting. In their ‘Merica its

Hate ‘Mixed’ With Blind Idiocy

causin’ death. In Maryland all

the COVID Deaths last month,

100%, are from unvaccinated

morons. Expect this ‘Trend’ to

continue. All too Dumb to live

Mitch “Turtle Man” Mc-Liar, Is

“goin thru some things”. He’s

openly Admitting The aid that


he, nor ANY R’s Voted for, will

get people in his state a lot of

Badly ‘needed’ $. Launch This

asshole, Into “the face” of the

sun. We’ll apologize 2 the sun

later. And, what can Only now

Be Called: “The ‘Final’ Orange

Flop” before Prison/Legal hell

“It” decided 2 try to Sue Every

tech platform. Ha Ha ha ha ha


Sure Turd. Discovery Is Going

to be Legally damning for him

about Jan 6th. They all fucked

NOTE: A Loud Fat Racist, Goes To Jail For
Hate crimes. Throw him under the jail and
Throw away the key sunlight ends the shit

Have A “Safe” Day!

A group of Nazi Fascist Assholes

walk into a Town; They are then

(Racists Run)

CHASED the Fuck out. That is a

good Thing. And, this isn’t A 1st

Amendment thing. These are all

Domestic Terrorists ‘looking’ To

cause The Most amount of Hate,

violence & damage to society as

they Can. Nope. Not In this USA

In fact, If you want to do all this

“Lawless” shit; Fuck Around and


find out; assholes in Chicago all

found out last night; Break the

law; go 2 jail fuckwads; oh and

speaking Of “Ya done son” time;

The Entire tRump ‘Crime Family’

has such legal Consequences in

every Possible way looming. We

all Know they’re Going Down, &

there’s nothin they can do about


it. It’s over. So, in other News a

Hurricane Named Elsa’s Bearing

down hard on Panama City now

Be safe, batten shit, take shelter

& be safe. This gets Real so Fast

RIP: Richard Donner(Superman & the Lethal
Weapons stuff) Passed Away. Great director
NOTE: Racist Police Chief Resigns After KKK
Note on Black C0-workers desk. They should
NOT Get a Pension, or anything. Racist fucks

Have A “Safe” Day!

Happy Friday before the 4th of

July! No short wick, keep all of

(So nice!)

Those ‘Fingers’ Kids! It Seems

Orange Things Organization Is

finished forever. In fact so are

everyone in it; Includin the fat

thing & “its” criminal offspring

Nowhere To run now except to

jail. This Will keep Going On in

a Terrible Way for these frauds

And, they “All”, ‘Deserve’ every


inch of It. ‘Speaking’ of people

Who DON’T Deserve, The Shit

they were Given. Olympic Star

& Speed Demon Sha’Carri was

“Busted” for TCH In Her blood

WHAT?!? Now Weed is against

the rules? This is lunacy and it

is So “bad” when The Onion is

the voice of reason in this joint


Since when does “weed” speed

You Up?!?!?! How About Never

NOTE: Still Looking For Bodies After 20
Are Confirmed Dead. Heartbreaking shit

Have A “Safe” 4th Weekend!

The entire Trump Organization

& CFO Allen Weisselberg, Have


been INDICTED! This’s just the

tip Of The “Weisselberg”. ZING!

You Saw what I Did there. They

Are ALL, So Fucked. ’15’ Felony

Counts: Grand larceny, scheme

to defraud, Tax fraud, falsifying

business Records, Fake tax files

And Many More. This, Is Deadly

serious crime/jail shit. And, it’s

gonna Get ‘Worse’. “Unindicted

Co-Conspirator #1” is Dumbass

The Conservative SCOTUS, Did


a “douche” today, it tried to kill

Democracy; which means every

Voter/leader must Fight for this

Democracy & Our sacred Rights

They allowed Arizona’s new Jim

Crow to Stand. No. It will Not &

We WILL Fight. Oh, & speaking

of Fight; we now have a Jan 6th

Commission to fully Investigate

what Happened on that Historic

& Violently Immoral day. And it

Will ‘End’ The Entire Republican


Party. Hell, it’s already over but

this Will be the Official end of It

NOTE: Republican, & Man With An Actual
American spine Adam Kinzinger ‘told’ An
Immoral asshole in Kevin McCarthy (nice
name, how’d that go again?) this Lil’ gem
“Who gives a shit!?!” about punishing Em

Have A “Safe” Day!

Indictments are coming tomorrow

And, There’s Nothing Orange Fuck

(Ya Fucked!)

or his Family can “Do” about it. In

fact, Not “just” The CFO, but all of

the Trumpers Are in Trouble for it

Yes this is not good for them at all

It’ll be a Summer/Fall of legal hell

Speaking of “Hell”, most All of the

Republicans, in The House “Voted”

no to a Jan 6th Select commission

Well, you Terrorist fucks Voted no

to the Bipartisan one, so fuck you!

(We Know)

You get NO Say So then Criminals

And when the world gives us good

I guess it Decides To shit On all of

us by letting out A sexual monster

Bill Cosby due to A technicality Or

a former prosecutors decision Not

to ‘Charge’ Him. It doesn’t change

the Objective Facts. He Did it And

he Is an Abhorrent, Immoral, Evil

His life, Must Never Be, The Same


for What He Did to Those Women

He’s 83, let him Live in shame for

whatever’s Left of it. I’m soo Mad

NOTE: Donald Rumsfeld Is Dead. He Was The
‘Monster’ Behind Our Invasion/Occupation Of
Iraq; he & Cheney just deserve scorn n anger

Have A “Safe” Day!

“If you build it, we have jobs” is

the Old saying, Right?!?!? Ohhh

(“Weed” Hole?)

it’s Not?!?! That’s weird. Seems

the new “infrastructure” Plan is

moving along Full Steam ahead

& Biden is In Wis Today/tonight

to Showcase it. Voters love It &

so, Obviously Republicans Hate

it. No Matter, It is ‘Passing’. Oh

speaking of Shit That’s going to

happen if you like it or Not, the

(<-Jail Toy!)

Orange Anus, is ‘Melting Down’

faster than chocolate in the sun

these hot Days over the coming

Indictments. Throwing Fits and

Losing “It’s” Mind. Hard to lose

what cha Never had. He will be

charged says Michael Cohen so

times Up. Oh & speaking of the

GOP Going To Jail For “Criming”

(<-Jail Toy)

We Have SC Gop-Jim Harrison

goin to the Slammer. Bye Bye

NOTE: R-Paul “I Love White Supremacists”
Gosar Does “Fundraiser” With Nazi Racists
Hint-They Mostly All are right now Oooops
Shit, his Own Family called Him a “Traitor”
RIP: Democratic Senator…Mike Gravel has
Died at 91. A true leader who History now
Bares Him to be correct on the issues. Yes

Have A “Safe” Day!

After this “horrific” Miami collapse

we have 10 confirmed dead n still


100’s missing. This is so very sad

& we must Fight tirelessly to find

them all. Oh & Speakin’ of buried

under a billion pounds of Cement

the car maker Toyota is…..fucked

Turns out, They gave over 37 big

Donations, Of $50,000+ To All Of

the terrorists/Election Fraudsters

Oooooooops. They’re going to Go

(Ya done!)

Thru Some Market Forces That’ll

not end well for them. See so as

Consumers ‘Go’; We Don’t ‘Like’

people who All try to Murder the

country. Call Us sticklers But we

don’t Like that shit. Oh speaking

of deeper shit; Ivanka & the rest

of Orange Idiot Land is so legally

fucked on every level. No joke it

(4 Down?)

gets Worse for them All. They’re

Consequences Are Looming Fast

Happy 95th Birthday: To Comedy Legend Mel
Brooks. Here’s to many many more ya Mench

Have A “Safe” Day!

In what can “only” be called

horrific tragedy, as a partial

(Holy Shit!)

Miami Condo ‘Collapsed’ In

terrible “fashion”. We lost 4

with 159 missing. This is So

heartbreaking. Donate your

blood, & Support all Rescue

workers Efforts. It Is all We

can do At This point. Ugggh

Speaking shit that collapsed

Rudy’s Kid Andrew, Decided

to “Try” to defend his father


In A Bizarre Statement in A

parking lot; Framed as a Lil

Man. And as usual, Internet

did It’s thing Putting him In

a ‘Taco Bell Window’. Ha ha

What a Jack-Wagon. And in

other ‘news’; it’s All over for

the Trumps. Charges will be

Coming Against Them, Next

week; & it’s Going to be the

(Bye Bye!)

ENTIRE Organization. Zing

Oh Boy, they all SO Fucked

NOTE: Infrastructure Bill Looks Like It
might be movin forward in the Senate
compromise that’s been Struck. Good
NOTE II: Derek Chauvin Sentenced to
22.5 years in prison Nice start but we
have a long way to go to ensure us all
Justice. Equal protection under the law

Have A “Safe” Weekend!

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