The entire Trump Organization

& CFO Allen Weisselberg, Have


been INDICTED! This’s just the

tip Of The “Weisselberg”. ZING!

You Saw what I Did there. They

Are ALL, So Fucked. ’15’ Felony

Counts: Grand larceny, scheme

to defraud, Tax fraud, falsifying

business Records, Fake tax files

And Many More. This, Is Deadly

serious crime/jail shit. And, it’s

gonna Get ‘Worse’. “Unindicted

Co-Conspirator #1” is Dumbass

The Conservative SCOTUS, Did


a “douche” today, it tried to kill

Democracy; which means every

Voter/leader must Fight for this

Democracy & Our sacred Rights

They allowed Arizona’s new Jim

Crow to Stand. No. It will Not &

We WILL Fight. Oh, & speaking

of Fight; we now have a Jan 6th

Commission to fully Investigate

what Happened on that Historic

& Violently Immoral day. And it

Will ‘End’ The Entire Republican


Party. Hell, it’s already over but

this Will be the Official end of It

NOTE: Republican, & Man With An Actual
American spine Adam Kinzinger ‘told’ An
Immoral asshole in Kevin McCarthy (nice
name, how’d that go again?) this Lil’ gem
“Who gives a shit!?!” about punishing Em

Have A “Safe” Day!

Indictments are coming tomorrow

And, There’s Nothing Orange Fuck

(Ya Fucked!)

or his Family can “Do” about it. In

fact, Not “just” The CFO, but all of

the Trumpers Are in Trouble for it

Yes this is not good for them at all

It’ll be a Summer/Fall of legal hell

Speaking of “Hell”, most All of the

Republicans, in The House “Voted”

no to a Jan 6th Select commission

Well, you Terrorist fucks Voted no

to the Bipartisan one, so fuck you!

(We Know)

You get NO Say So then Criminals

And when the world gives us good

I guess it Decides To shit On all of

us by letting out A sexual monster

Bill Cosby due to A technicality Or

a former prosecutors decision Not

to ‘Charge’ Him. It doesn’t change

the Objective Facts. He Did it And

he Is an Abhorrent, Immoral, Evil

His life, Must Never Be, The Same


for What He Did to Those Women

He’s 83, let him Live in shame for

whatever’s Left of it. I’m soo Mad

NOTE: Donald Rumsfeld Is Dead. He Was The
‘Monster’ Behind Our Invasion/Occupation Of
Iraq; he & Cheney just deserve scorn n anger

Have A “Safe” Day!

“If you build it, we have jobs” is

the Old saying, Right?!?!? Ohhh

(“Weed” Hole?)

it’s Not?!?! That’s weird. Seems

the new “infrastructure” Plan is

moving along Full Steam ahead

& Biden is In Wis Today/tonight

to Showcase it. Voters love It &

so, Obviously Republicans Hate

it. No Matter, It is ‘Passing’. Oh

speaking of Shit That’s going to

happen if you like it or Not, the

(<-Jail Toy!)

Orange Anus, is ‘Melting Down’

faster than chocolate in the sun

these hot Days over the coming

Indictments. Throwing Fits and

Losing “It’s” Mind. Hard to lose

what cha Never had. He will be

charged says Michael Cohen so

times Up. Oh & speaking of the

GOP Going To Jail For “Criming”

(<-Jail Toy)

We Have SC Gop-Jim Harrison

goin to the Slammer. Bye Bye

NOTE: R-Paul “I Love White Supremacists”
Gosar Does “Fundraiser” With Nazi Racists
Hint-They Mostly All are right now Oooops
Shit, his Own Family called Him a “Traitor”
RIP: Democratic Senator…Mike Gravel has
Died at 91. A true leader who History now
Bares Him to be correct on the issues. Yes

Have A “Safe” Day!

After this “horrific” Miami collapse

we have 10 confirmed dead n still


100’s missing. This is so very sad

& we must Fight tirelessly to find

them all. Oh & Speakin’ of buried

under a billion pounds of Cement

the car maker Toyota is…..fucked

Turns out, They gave over 37 big

Donations, Of $50,000+ To All Of

the terrorists/Election Fraudsters

Oooooooops. They’re going to Go

(Ya done!)

Thru Some Market Forces That’ll

not end well for them. See so as

Consumers ‘Go’; We Don’t ‘Like’

people who All try to Murder the

country. Call Us sticklers But we

don’t Like that shit. Oh speaking

of deeper shit; Ivanka & the rest

of Orange Idiot Land is so legally

fucked on every level. No joke it

(4 Down?)

gets Worse for them All. They’re

Consequences Are Looming Fast

Happy 95th Birthday: To Comedy Legend Mel
Brooks. Here’s to many many more ya Mench

Have A “Safe” Day!

In what can “only” be called

horrific tragedy, as a partial

(Holy Shit!)

Miami Condo ‘Collapsed’ In

terrible “fashion”. We lost 4

with 159 missing. This is So

heartbreaking. Donate your

blood, & Support all Rescue

workers Efforts. It Is all We

can do At This point. Ugggh

Speaking shit that collapsed

Rudy’s Kid Andrew, Decided

to “Try” to defend his father


In A Bizarre Statement in A

parking lot; Framed as a Lil

Man. And as usual, Internet

did It’s thing Putting him In

a ‘Taco Bell Window’. Ha ha

What a Jack-Wagon. And in

other ‘news’; it’s All over for

the Trumps. Charges will be

Coming Against Them, Next

week; & it’s Going to be the

(Bye Bye!)

ENTIRE Organization. Zing

Oh Boy, they all SO Fucked

NOTE: Infrastructure Bill Looks Like It
might be movin forward in the Senate
compromise that’s been Struck. Good
NOTE II: Derek Chauvin Sentenced to
22.5 years in prison Nice start but we
have a long way to go to ensure us all
Justice. Equal protection under the law

Have A “Safe” Weekend!

Things are all going bad for all

Of these Criminal Republicans

(Bye Bye!)

across the Country. In fact shit

is getting so bad, Rudy just got

his Law license Suspended. HA

That ‘Means’, He Can’t “Defend”

Himself In His ‘Upcoming’ Trial

Ooooopsey doooopsey. And, in

What Can Only Be Called “Thin

‘Skin X’s’ 8 Billion”, The Mango

Motherfucker Tried To Get The

DOJ to Investigate Or Stop all

The “Late ‘Night’ Shows” From

Making Fun, Of Him. Ha Ha Ha


What a fuckin coward douche

The “Entire World” is a Better

place now that he has nothin’

to ruin aside from his own life

Enough About “it” let Us Talk

about another tool box in this

world. R senator Rick the shit

Scott Who not Only Confused

our National Anthem For The

Pledge Of Allegiance ooooops

All while He Wasn’t doing his

Job in DC Because He’s A Big

(<-Bat Boy!)

ass Traitor, Who supported A

Violent Terrorist Jan 6th with

all His Rotten heart. Boooooo

NOTE: Redneck Rave Goes Horrible Wrong
Is the kind of Phrase Where were we all go
“Well No Shit!”. Put Limitless Dumb in One
big area add booze mix & watch death/shit

Have A “Safe” Day!

Mayoral, Gubernatorial, & other

primaries happened all over the

(Our Power!)

Country Yesterday. And We got

some Kick ass surprises all over

Like India Walton, Who’ll Likely

Win The Job Of Mayor. Whooot

She Is a self described Socialist

That, is Not My Style but Addin’

reasonable Elements Of It, into

policies is Smart; the world will

eagerly watching her with pride

While The Republican’s, Are All

falling into Jails, outta jobs and

losing voters faster than friends

(Bye Bye!)

on FB who post conspiracy shit

R’s are gettin in deeper this by

the Day as well. In fact there’s

nowhere For Them to go, Since

they went all in on orange fuck

And So, On “The Hill”, General

Milley decided 2 show them all

how Hateful, “dangerous”, and

Immoral They all Are When he

Spoke About History/CRT…and

more. It’s must see Viewing in

every way. Thank me later and


you will. And he owned Gaetz

Matt Fucked Around and he is

about to find out……Jail looms

NOTE: Arizona “Fraudit”, Likely To ‘Face’
Charges for breaking Federal Law. They
violated Election Retention law 4 Ballots
its 52 USC 20701 formerly 42 USC 1974

Have A “Safe” Day!

NYC Votes for it’s Mayor today

And, the ‘Big Apple’ is taking a

(Down to 1!)

bite out of politics today by all

Giving us Another Democratic

Mayor. This Is the Democratic

Primary, so the winner will go

on To The General Election for

a likely Win. With Maya Wiley,

Kathyrn Garcia, Andy Yang, &

Eric Adams ‘Seeking’ This Job

A tough one Indeed Since The

guy De Blasio, is Going Out of

office On A Low. Their visions

are all Different. We, shall see

(Bye Bye!)

who NYC Picks. Oh, Speaking

of ‘stuff’ that is actually going

well, we’re Now at 70% of us

over 30 with at least one shot

In our Arms across the nation

Whooot! Getting Better Every

day. By The End of July, we’ll

be at 80%, & by Fall 90-95%

So H.R 1 For The People’s Act

will be putup for a Vote today

and Republican’s will ALL vote

against It Showing they Don’t

(Outdated Crap)

care About Voters or the USA

In fact, This Might Be the Big

thing That Moves Us OFF the

filibuster after others see this

NOTE: Sam Seder, “Pops Into” A “Debate”
with a MAGA “Reich Wing” Chode Crowder
So Steve flipped his Cam, talked over him
then did “usual bully Ad Hominem”, & ran
He doesn’t know a thing. In fact he’s been
Exposed, As The “80’s Morning Zoo Shock”
Jock Idiot he is. There goes his shit career

Have A “Safe” Day!

How Was your Fathers Day?!?!

What Is That, “People” kept on


calling you Saying “You are my

Father” so ya hung up?!?! I kid

Speaking of “shitty fathers and

Assbag Pricks” Republican Ron

Johnson Got “Boooooed” From

a Juneteenth Party. Talk about

karma coming Down like a Big

hammer & He’s the Nail. Turns

out, ‘Voters’ Don’t Like it when

You “Stand” Directly AGAINST

their Very Existence or Always

vote Against the Very Shit You


Are there “Pretending” that ya

support; When you don’t. It is

enough. No ‘More’. Get use to

it Republicans. Getting Booed

from Everywhere 4 All of your

Hateful Votes/Horrific Actions

And in A ‘Wonderful’ Shinning

light In ‘Politics’, we have one

Chris Jones “Running” For AK

Governor. His Ad, is Amazing

Look Out AK, Don’t, Blow This

Chance To “Elect” A Superstar


He’s a Quantum physicist And

Preacher. Yes ya Read it Right

NOTE: Jen Psaki, Just Politically Dunked Hard
on Jim “Gym Rapist Helper” Jordan. Booooom

Have A “Safe” Day!

It’s official, we now all celebrate

Juneteenth as a Country. And it

(Stupid Flanders)

is About ‘Damn Time’. It marks

the “End Of Slavery”. And what

did 14 Republicans have to say

About it?!? NO. They ALL Voted

against It. Jeeeeez & all of their

excuses Were Hallow as all hell

Oh, Speaking of super dumbass

screaming Jackass Failures; the

MyPillow idiot, Tried to do a big

Maga rally that went over like a

wet fart. The ‘flyover’ was over

an Hour late, he bombed with a

(“Stop inciting!”)

Fidiot Interview With Jordan K

from The Daily Show & Looked

even more asinine than normal

The Entire Republican Party, Is

In ‘shambles’. Fractured, filthy,

Racistly Hateful, Different ‘Cult’

flavors. Down they All go….fast

NOTE: Matt Gaetz Will Likely Face Legal
charges this July. And so He goes to jail
Bye Bye criminal rapist. Ooooooooooops

Have A “Safe” Fathers Day Weekend!

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